Natural Skincare for Dry Skin
With dry skin, the "biggest" problem is that your skin feels tight. Many find this unpleasant, and during the colder months, no cream seems to help against dry skin. When is your skin dry, and what other characteristics does this skin type have?
Characteristics of Dry Skin
Generally, this skin type has few to no pores
Only on the nose can pores still be somewhat visible
The skin feels tight, often has flakes, and can appear paler
After cleansing, the skin often feels immediately dry
Dry skin can show fine lines more quickly
It's also good to know that dry skin can also be sensitive. This results in a combination of dry/sensitive skin or dry/dehydrated skin. When choosing the right skincare, it's important to consider these combinations of skin types.
Why Do I Have Dry Skin?
In general, your skin type is genetically determined. If your parents always had dry skin, you are likely to have dry skin as well. However, external factors such as a cold winter can also affect this skin type. Lifestyle choices, such as alcohol consumption, lack of sleep, and smoking, can also make your skin drier and more prone to tightness.
Which Natural Products Are Suitable for Dry Skin?
We are happy to help you choose the right products for this skin type. This is why we have created this menu with exclusively natural and vegan skincare products for dry skin. Personal preference also plays a role in choosing the right products. What do you enjoy using? Do you prefer a rich cream, a serum, or an oil? Sometimes a combination of different products is important to bring dry skin back into balance so that it no longer feels tight.
More About Dry Skin?
We have created a video on determining your skin type. You can watch it here. Some of our favorite products for dry skin are the Dr. Hauschka Hydrating Mask and the
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